Guy who definitely spends to much time in front of computers
Wrote my "hello world" piece of software in 1998
Earned my first money on software development in 2003
Master's degree in computer science received in 2009
Worked remotely for companies based in Poland, Finland, Ireland, Israel, Canada and USA
What I work on:
I am a software engineer developing Coreum blockchain. Areas I am/was responsible for:
Implemented engine (called “crust”) for running local
environment and integration tests for our chain – it brings
nodes and all the other components of our system and test
interactions between them.
Implemented our fee model – module which computes on-
chain required minimum gas price based on the previous
activity of users.
Implemented mechanism delivering deterministic gas fees on
our chain. On normal Cosmos SDK-based chain the same
transaction might consume different gas amounts depending
on the moment it is executed.
My hobby projects:
I develop a set of projects implementing my idea iof pBFT-based blockchain. It's not backed by any VC, for now it's just a sandbox for my experiments.
I found that it is possible to develop much more performant engine that one delivered by CometBFT+Cosmos SDK. I assume it should be possible to process
~10k transactions per second, ensuring immediate finality. Here are the GitHub repositories being parts of this project:
Storm - key-value store supporting merkle-proofs and snapshots.
OSMan - tool for building Linux images used to boot my computers, servers and virtual machines.
It is a weird stuff connecting ZFS, QEMU, linux containers and initramfs to provide a reliable way to build and boot all my operating systems.
It is a docker-like tool, but for entire operating systems, allowing me to boot whatever I need, whenever I need, managing required resources (CPU, memory, disks, IP addresses).
You may treat it as my local, private cloud of bare metal machines.
Most interesting projects I've been involved in so far:
Developing software managing cloud services on high scale: virtual machines, networking, kubernetes clusters, docker containers, operating systems etc.
AI for predicting cancer metastatic disease.
Developing Layer-1 blockchains.
AI for semen evaluation.
AI for cancer detection based on histopathological slides.
My infrastructure:
To work effectively on advanced projects I manage my own infrastructure:
Direct private 10 Gbps fiber connection to local data center
1 Gbps Internet link
Public IP pool
Networking equipment and redundant links, including 3 independent network connections
As much storage as needed
Backups in place
Whenever I work on a project requiring something special, no matter if it's hardware, software or networking,
I have an environment ready to be extended at any time.
I usually code in CET/CEST (UTC +1/+2) time zone, however I am ready to attend meetings scheduled during your working hours (assuming goodwill present on both sides).
In English
I take responsibility for stuff I deliver
I develop important, extremely critical systems (the ones which can't be screwed up). That's why I put quality above deadlines.
I deliver my code only when I'm sure it works correctly. But I understand what MVP is.
Ask engineers in the company to look at my code to know if they would accept me.
I'm happy to spend together an hour or two online solving some coding tasks of your choice during recruitment process but if you expect me to accomplish a home assignment then you have to pay for my time. Significant amount of my code is publicly available to let you evaluate my skills for free.